Greetings all,
Things are going well for the 'Ho family. 'Ho is about to get a second opinion on her progress, and we'll see after that where we go. She still looks alright-mighty-fine and has actually been busy tending to her sickly kitty, Sam, but I'm sure we'll hear something from her soon.
Needless to say, we all have much to be thankful for. Indulge me for a moment while I run through my "side" of the family:
- A healing 'Ho, who has handled this whole thing with grace, a sense of humor and the most accurately spelled text messages ever.
- A BCB who has the biggest heart around, a creative design talent that make her clients (and me) go "ah!", and loves her family to no end.
- 'Mo new relatives: welcome Lauren!
- 'Mo tiny relatives: welcome Ryleigh!
- A wonderful new Mommy: way to go Tiffany!
- My hubby, who encourages me tirelessly, provides me with incredible art to behold every day, and keeps me laughing. (oh, and provides fabulous design work for me at below-industry rates so that I look good at work.)
- My Mom who loves me and I never have to doubt it, and will always let me lay my head in her lap when I'm down or tired. I'll always be her "baby" and I'm glad.
- My stepdad, who thankfully likes to talk golf and politics (like I do), but most importantly, has made my Mom happy.
- My darlin' brother-in-law who thought he was giving me away at my wedding, but found out he was still stuck with me after all. He lets me type pages-long emails and if he rolls his eyes over them, does it when I can't see.
- My oldest nephew who fit right into the role of really good Daddy and is a true joy himself.
- My youngest nephew who has never lost that look of wonder and curiosity that I saw on his face when he was about 3 months old, and will always be my baby (whether he likes it or not).
- There are countless others in extended family, and in-laws for whom I am very very grateful. But they'll have to go on another blog...
Have a happy, blessed Thanksgiving, and may all your stocks go up in 2009!