As previously posted the "girls" all got together to celebrate the upcoming birth of Black Canary Barbie's new grandbaby girl at what the local tribes call a Baby Shower! Here is a photo of the newest editions to the "sinnergirl tribe"...on left is Lauren, Will's fiance (BCB's son) who will marry July 2009; on the right is Tiffany, Harris's wife (BCB's oldest son) and the baby in belly (to arrive around 1st of September). We couldn't be happier than to know our girl tribe continues to grow. We'll keep you posted on delivery, birth and wedding plans on our blog. Black Canary Barbie says, "What a year!"
Yo, gurls: them chicklets ain't old enough to know how to sin good yet. They need to serve a little time-in-grade if you get my drif'...
AUNT CrackHo
You know, in re-reading that entry Aunt CrackHo feels a cultural clarification is necessary for those of y'all who may hold our not-so-secret Alabamian roots against us. NO, the wedding was not caused by the impending great niece. Black Canary's offspring were raised to do the right thing in the right order. And nobody is marrying nobody's cousin. We axed everybody we knew in the trailer park just to make sure. Although we do understand that perhaps the Bridie-to-Be may be wed barefoot...we appreciate that sweet li'l shout-out to our heritage.
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