Well, that's where little miss Crack 'Ho finds herself. Granted, we really think she looks "Crack 'Hot" with no hair at all. But let's all play a little game of "If I could choose one of my previous hairstyles to have again, which one would it be?". No wait, let's play a better game. Let's play "If I could make Joni wear an old hairstyle again, which one would it be?" See photos above, and cast your vote in the survey in the right hand column.
First I hope C-Ho that your doing great today How interesting I am liking the no hair but all are great styles The short styles are my favorite on Joni
Yawn...well girls I'm back. This grandmother thing rocks! Sat with the C Ho, Malibu and Mother of all in the infussion suite this afternoon. Took my flip video of little Ryleigh with all her precious coos, yawns and sign language to entertain the masses. Of course had the grandmother brag books full of photos too. I think Joni could possibly wear all hairstyles as she grows back in...but she must begin with Mother cutting her bangs as in photo A. Martha aint' gettin her hands on this new baby's hair...ever! ha...
OH COME ON BCGB I think your Mother did a Great job on the bangs
That was the thing back then when our Mother's or Grandmother's cut our hair I will never forget the time my Mother came home and Granny cut Stephany's long hair off just like Joni's in picture A boy was she mad To this day she still talks about that hair cut
Joni----hope you are doing great. Hairstyles? I like them all! That's the great thing about hair...it grows back, it's just an accessory! Jamie, you rock as a "granny" and the "hottest" one at that!
Ain't it great to have TWO Barbies for sisters!!! Public humiliation of an elderly sister for the world to see. Those pix are enough to make a Ho glad to be bald!
Which one is closest to your second year at UVA. Notice how I didn't mention the exact year ??? I'm guessing "D" although you look "so cute" in all of them.
All my arabic aunts and cousins would be kissing your cheeks.
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