Monday, July 28, 2008

He Ain't Nuthin More Than BlogFodder: RIP Mr. Dazzle

CrackHo received the news from Mr. Dazzle on Saturday night that he wished to choose the “Release” option under CrackHo’s Catch & Release program (CrackHo runs this program to audition her eligibles). The Catch & Release program’s bylaws state clearly that CrackHo is the one who determines when the “Release” option is triggered, so she was understandably consternated that Mr. Dazzle made such a request.

CrackHo’s theory for this bizarre behavior is that Mr. Dazzle was frightened by the opera they attended this weekend (La Bohѐme). Perhaps Mr. Dazzle became concerned that he, like Rodolfo of said opera, might fall for a blue-eyed lovely who turns out to be ill and then, like Rodolfo, himself turn into a self-absorbed jerk and dump the lovely blue-eyes. Oh wait! Silly CrackHo! That is exactly the way life mimicked art. But we will stop the analogy there as the rest of the plot is Not Applicable.

Needless to say, Mr. Dazzle has been released into the wild where he will have to fend for himself. It’s really more humane that way.

RIP Mr. Dazzle. "Too fast on the river, too slow in love."

No longer Dazzling, he is merely


"Già un’altra volta credetti morto il mio cor, ma di quegli occhi azzurri allo splendor esso ѐ risorto. Ora il tedio l’assale."
-Rodolfo, Act 3 La Bohѐme


Malibu Barbie said...
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Malibu Barbie said...

I hope you (violently) ripped the hook right out of his gill just before release.

CrackHo said...

Malibu, I love you sooo much! I wisht I had done thought of that Sattiddy night. It's a extry good idea!!

Black Canary Barbie said...

Alora!!! A gift to you in discovering Mr. Dazzle's heart early on...he's a crappie for sure. Bottom feeders NOT WELCOME! BCB XXOO

Unknown said...

Buh-bye Mr. Dribble.....

Barbie Wannabe