Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hell, We're ALL Mad! (But 'Ho Loves ya!)

CrackHo here to give y'all a little shout out and some encouragement in these Dark Days, and I don't mean cancer-dark. I keep telling folks I'm in recession...aren't we all!

My attorney laughed out loud today for the first time in 2 years (yeah, 'Ho believes in long-term relationships, even with her lawyers) when I described my Post-Divorce Asset Transfer technique, here seen for the first time on video.

Thanks for sticking it out (uh well you know what I mean) and coming back for more!


Anonymous said...

OMG! You are too hysterical...blame the chemo or subject matter...I dunno which has a higher contributing factor. The background scenery - saw and wrench, throwing around an outboard motor like a 1 pound dumbell...all makes for a must see clip!

And who could miss the new we are sending a new styling product to you also....OH-I've taken liberty to name myself too.

MoJo(e) said...

Mojo Ho says --

'Drawing blood by windowlight' on the eve of Halloween? Are you sure the phlebotomist didn't have a Transylvanian accent?

And if you're really serious about evil befalling the Evildoer, I know of a 'lady' over South Carolina way that might could hep you out. ... But don't piss her off!

CrackHo said...

Y'all I am sooooo excited to see that everybody's a Ho now!! Love the monikers, SnowHo & MojoHo! Y'all can join me trick-or-treatin' and we won't even need no voodoo Ho to make thangs right! (yeah I wouldn't be bouncing any checks to the voodoo Ho even on a sunny day...)

Black Canary Barbie said...

It's obviously a Ho'down and we couldn't wait to join. BabyMama & BCB are crackn up thinking of the outboard motor placement. We suggest, however, not using any lubricant before inserting said motor. If tickets are available to this event we would pay big bucks and maybe have this be baby's first outing with the sinnergirls. Long live the Ho... Wo hee lo ho. Love & Kisses.

uvArab said...

I'm just glad I'm 360 miles away.