I actually got in the 'Ho Mobile and drove on the 'spressway not once but twice today! And, not necessarily in this order: pumped my own gas, walked my Rent-a-Golden, saw Doc Hen (had to tackle him in the hall like some kinda groupie since my appointment was with his assistant), had my head petted in Doc Hen's waiting room (for some reason people just do that in public; must look like a pregnant belly), unloaded the dishwasher, remembered to make a phone call I said I would, remembered to mail the bills (and not just write the checks and leave them in the checkbook), woke up before the alarm this AM but not too much before, ate a Chik-Fil-A (thankee Truitt!), realized that Goldens hide things like their own leashes so I haven't necessarily lost what was left of my mind, found out I have lots of red cells, plenty o'plasma, and enough white cells so I ain't under house arrest this fine Labor Day weekend! Whew! And if that weren't enough, how 'bout this:
One of the most delectable things in God's creation is Coke on ice. I don't mean open a can in your own home and pour it over those silly little half-crescent "cubes" (when will some idiot decide it's a terrorist plot to have symbols of "radical Islam"-or South Carolina-spewing from our freezers??). I mean, honest to goodness Fountain Coke over Commercial-Grade Ice (and lots and lots of it) sucked down on a hot summer day through a straw. Just enough carbonation to make you shout Halleluia without burping. Just enough caffeine to make you think you CAN make it around the Top End of 285 One Mo' Time. Just enough sweet to make you remember MilkDuds and a certain boy at the movies. I had a Jones for just such a Coke my second trip up through Town and whipped the 'Ho Mobile off the road and through a drive-through ordering up a Large Diet Coke (with Caffeine, otherwise why bother). My dear peeps, it was a near-religious experience, possibly enhanced by sipping that Coke in the shadow of the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Acceleration there along I-75 North. Ain't nuthin' better after 4 days of swapping between Sofa A and Sofa B than having a little unplanned outing involving the House Wine of Atlanta.
So CrackHo gives a big Shout-out and Thankee to all Y'all in the Sinnergirls world for the Extree Love & Support this week. Have a Coke & a Smile and whatever else you can get your sweaty little mitts on this weekend. Much love and thankees! (And you see, I'm still sitting up (yeah, still on Sofa A) so things are improving).

Now THAT calls for "a Coke and a smile"! Thanks for sharing, 'Ho.
By the way, I think we need to find you a car tag for the front of your oh-so-reliable vehicle that says '''Ho Mobile"..you know, one of those airbrushed dealies.
Have a bless day.
Just think what a Coke and a Smile a little thing as that or a big thing (depends on how you look at it) can do for someone Joni glad your up and running Love and Prayers
I know what you mean about that Coke! I love when it burns! Glad you are feeling better today! Hope your weekend only gets better!
You go crack ho! BCB
Hey all you crack go fans! I have great videos to add to site but our email is down here, so check in on Monday to see the adventures of BCB and Crack Ho this weekend!
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