Tuesday, September 30, 2008

And behind Chemo # 4 is...

Tomorrow we're off with the 'Ho for Infusion #4. This is a big one, in that it puts 'Ho over the hump...assuming Doc Hen (or Cod Neh - inside joke) hasn't changed his mind about the # of infusions. Thoughts, prayers and other send-ups definitely appreciated. Tally 'ho!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I thought for sure one of Crack 'Ho's previous "do"s would win by a hair. (Sorry, couldn't help myself.) But look! Style D and E ended "all square". What are the implications? What does this all mean? What does it really say? Who are you people who voted for these styles? 'Course, since it's a tie, 'Ho is free to stay bald and beautiful. Lucky 'Ho...beats having to go out and find a white hairband or a new set of hot rollers!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Cheerleader Feet

CrackHo was at her favorite mid-chemo haunt th'other day (Fuzziwig's @ The Ave. in the EC) munching on some mini-Reeces cups and having a stroll. Almost dropped my melty mint nonpareils when I heard 2 teenaged boys tell a lovely teenaged girl:

"yeah you know she's got, like, cheerleader feet."

whaddya mean, she sez.

"like, they're so, like, pretty and all neat and stuff."

So THAT's the secret!!!! Sinnergirls, that's one thing we can ALL get down with: Cheerleader Feet. No cartwheels required. So, check out Diddy above enjoying the magic of Cheerleader Feet. Then, enjoy the Cheerleader Feet of Ryleigh's Aunt TooTall, Auntie CrackHo, BabyMamma and Ryleigh Coyote herself:

Monday, September 15, 2008

Coos and Poos

Thanks to all those Barbies who have given us a yee haw and prayers. Baby Ryleigh is perfect and beautiful. Mom and Dad are both doing great too. BCB back at work, but manages to get home to get some lovin', kisses, coos and change poo whenever possible. The kingdom of BCB is forever changed and better!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Kicking Butt for Someone Else: Fight Multiple Sclerosis for Valerie!!

Ancient history has it that one of CrackHo's first signals that somethin' jest wasn't right with herself came as she started training to ride 150 miles this year in the Multiple Sclerosis bike challenge at Callaway. When the 'Ho couldn't pedal up a hill, she dragged herself into the doc and found exactly her problem. Well, over the period of couple of months or so...anyway...

So even though chemo has temporarily taken the 'Ho off the bike road, she and Mom and Orv threw Valerie into her own van and with tons of logistical genius from Bill, trekked down to Callaway to cheer on the MS bike rider/fundraisers this weekend. Yay, Team Cox ('Ho's bike team)!

We shot this longish video as people were gathering for day 1 of the ride Saturday. We wanted to share how moving it can be to be among thousands of people in tight lycra shorts before dawn, knowing they are about to sweat to help you feel better: Valerie girl, it's for you!

And on Oct. 5 Valerie's bro-in-law is gonna continue the ride to stamp out MS by BIKING THROUGH MIDTOWN MANHATTAN (!!! OMG) with a few thousand of his closest biker friends. If you want to help out, you can donate to Bruce's ride for Valerie at


Thursday, September 11, 2008

Inducing Labor the Auntie CrackHo Way

Our Babymamma's birthday was just a few short days (or really long days, if you're Babymama) before Baby Sinnergirl Ryleigh was supposed to be borned up yonder in north GA. Babymamma was understandably about as ready as anybody gets for anything for that birth to happen. So, as an extree special birthday gift to Babymamma, Black Canary threw Auntie CrackHo in the truck and drove up to north GA to induce labor and get that Ryleigh into this world FAST! Here is a recording of Auntie CrackHo's secret labor induction techniques.

Oh, and in case the induction part was a flop, Black Canary treated the whole crowd, including Babydaddy, to a swell lunch!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

If you could have a real, true hair do-over, what would it look like?

Well, that's where little miss Crack 'Ho finds herself. Granted, we really think she looks "Crack 'Hot" with no hair at all. But let's all play a little game of "If I could choose one of my previous hairstyles to have again, which one would it be?". No wait, let's play a better game. Let's play "If I could make Joni wear an old hairstyle again, which one would it be?" See photos above, and cast your vote in the survey in the right hand column.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Can you say sweet?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Quick note: [updated]

Granny BCB reports this morning that when Grandpaw Dale was able to pry little Ryleigh away from Granny, he captured Ryleigh's attention and her beautiful eyes with his sweet whistles and coos.

Also, key stats are as follows: Ryleigh Brielle, 20" long, 8 pounds 4 ounces of pure cute. 

Another glam photo!

Here little Miss Ryleigh is pictured with Granny/BCB sinnergirl and Harris, son of sinnergirl, Daddy of Ryleigh.

Here's our girl! She's a beauty.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

New Sinnergirl Arrived!

Malibu and CrackHo haven't had so much as a glimpse yet of young Ryleigh Coyote due to technical difficulties (with phone cameras and bad cell connections, not the baby). But we hear she popped into this world this evening by C-section, we think around 6-ish, dark hair like her babydaddy's and a dimple in her chin that is all her own. Black Canary has just gone on an 18-year sabbatical since she is now GrannyBCBarbie.

Shout-outs to Tiffany the Babymamma and our own nephew Harris the Babydaddy. Harris, we hear that after you did a crazy hall-dance @ the hospital with the incubator thingy tonight, things are back to normal now! (hahahaha)

Look for BabySinnergirl photos tomorry.

Bark, Bitch! Plus, Grappa Gets Censored, and Finally....Booties for Ryleigh

A quick rendezvous tonight in Sandy Springs with Grappa and Nonna on their way up to North Georgia for the BabyWatch (a/k/a The Ripening). Grappa and Nonna brought CrackHo a wonderful gift of Chips as part of our quest for the Right Italian Cocktail Chip. (And a little chemobrain demo included).

CrackHo in turn delivered baby booties imported from St. Simons Island for Ryleigh's going home event. (Assuming she does her coming out eventually). And no, they did not cost $100 (or even $300). There was more chatter about $100/$300 bootie(s) which HAD to be censored...

CrackHo's first time out of the CrackShack in 2 days, and Grappa's first time on Sinnergirls. Sorry we had to cut out most of Grappa's wit! But Grappa is quite a guy and has fended off the Sinnergirls for years as we try to rip the words out of his mouth (or censor him or whatever). But hey, this is a family blog. Sort of.

Freebster Boings, Malibu Barbie, and Mother & Diddy O'Sinnergirls are waiting breathlessly tonight by their landlines, Blackberries, I-phones, and dial-up modems to hear of Ryleigh's progress.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Don't Lick Me!!!

It starts with a soaking wet blonde fellow ducking under your garage door in the middle of Hurricane Fay's downpour. OK OK you can sleep here Just Tonight. Then there are those brown eyes. He is so grateful, so loving, so needy. Then that good morning lonnnnggg stretch and Big Grin that say "I am soooo glad to see you!"....

Then...before you know it...a flash of wet lips and a searching pink tongue....ARGHHH! DONT LICK ME!!! Gross!! Dog germs!!! (Who the hell did you THINK was sleeping in my garage???)

The end of the world is near: CrackHo has been dog sitting this week. Well, actually Dog Garaging. And a little walking. Then a little more walking. Then a car ride or two. Then a play date. Then a sidewalk cafe in Roswell. Then Target. Then Starbucks. Then another Starbucks.

Please don't tell Sam! He'd never lick my head again.