Friday, August 15, 2008

ChChChCh CHIA Pet!

CrackHo always secretly wanted a Chia Pet but was too embarassed to ever put it on her Christmas List. (OK OK now I will get 2,743 Chia Pets this Christmas but that's OK...I'll donate them to Toys for Sinnergirls Tots).

Little did CH know that she herself would become the Mother of All Chia Pets:


watch how it grows from day 1 to day 2 to day 3!!

No kidding: the Chia-'Ho on the far left is AM hairbrush 8/12; the middle one is AM hairbrush 8/13; the far right Chia-'Ho is AM hairbrush 8/14. Any wonder the Sinnergirls Wigged Out with Miss Jennifer 8/15?

TMI? Sorry. But look at the Tourists we got here at the CrackShack! Sinnergirls got the 2008 Audubon Award for the Best Double-Processed Nest Color in a Neutral Beige with Zero Warmth But No Ageing Ash-y Tones (The Chris C./Envy Salon Award in case you want to order this color for your Chia-'Ho)


Malibu Barbie said...

You are one sick 'ho. And I'm not referring to the cancer, either.

DFFF said...

Sinnergirls - you crack me up!!! I would have loved to know you three when you were growing up - it must have been something going on in your house all the time!!! I'm sure Martha was always thinking - oh lord what are they going to do today??

CrackHo said...

dearest DFFF
i think Mom is still wonedering that. She is afraid to check the blog....

thanks for saying Hi! BaldHo photos tomorry
