Friday, August 15, 2008


It's a big day for the Sinnergirls, but for C'Ho in particular. We're beginning the search for supplemental hair, better known as W-I-Gs. (Not to be confused with M-I-Gs that are weapons of limited, but effective destruction...though if C-Ho gets the right kind of WIG and launches it at someone, it could become a MIG....heavens, I need more coffee).

Anyhoo! Check back tonight (that be Friday) for videos and ruminations on what promises to be a most intellesting day.



susangray aka sugarpeanut said...

Can't wait

CrackHo said...

CrackHo here...still workin' or I'd be-a postin' videos. Blame it on Microsoft Office Small Biz 2007.

Suffice it to say that we shudda picked the SIN-thetic wiglet for the SINNERGIRLS! Duh!

Look for vids this weekend!

Malibu Barbie said...

I been trying to post vids for two hours. freakin blogspot. I'll "get it up" tomorrow.

CrackHo said...

in my experience, Malibu, that is what they all say.