Thursday, December 11, 2008
Our Bundle Big Bundle of Joy!
Wanted all you guys out there in Sinnergirl world to see how much our newest Sinnergirl has grown. Baby Mama and Daddy are awesome parents...Ryleigh is one lucky girl.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
A Christmas Miracle.
Jamie has a credit - yes, a credit - at H&M.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Go forth and shop.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
We're here and we're thankful.
Things are going well for the 'Ho family. 'Ho is about to get a second opinion on her progress, and we'll see after that where we go. She still looks alright-mighty-fine and has actually been busy tending to her sickly kitty, Sam, but I'm sure we'll hear something from her soon.
Needless to say, we all have much to be thankful for. Indulge me for a moment while I run through my "side" of the family:
- A healing 'Ho, who has handled this whole thing with grace, a sense of humor and the most accurately spelled text messages ever.
- A BCB who has the biggest heart around, a creative design talent that make her clients (and me) go "ah!", and loves her family to no end.
- 'Mo new relatives: welcome Lauren!
- 'Mo tiny relatives: welcome Ryleigh!
- A wonderful new Mommy: way to go Tiffany!
- My hubby, who encourages me tirelessly, provides me with incredible art to behold every day, and keeps me laughing. (oh, and provides fabulous design work for me at below-industry rates so that I look good at work.)
- My Mom who loves me and I never have to doubt it, and will always let me lay my head in her lap when I'm down or tired. I'll always be her "baby" and I'm glad.
- My stepdad, who thankfully likes to talk golf and politics (like I do), but most importantly, has made my Mom happy.
- My darlin' brother-in-law who thought he was giving me away at my wedding, but found out he was still stuck with me after all. He lets me type pages-long emails and if he rolls his eyes over them, does it when I can't see.
- My oldest nephew who fit right into the role of really good Daddy and is a true joy himself.
- My youngest nephew who has never lost that look of wonder and curiosity that I saw on his face when he was about 3 months old, and will always be my baby (whether he likes it or not).
- There are countless others in extended family, and in-laws for whom I am very very grateful. But they'll have to go on another blog...
Monday, November 3, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
'Ho's Reunion and Call-Out on Ben!
Since infusion is a little 'Ho-Hum these days, thought y'all would rather see a clip from 'Ho's high school reunion last weekend (the exact anniversary will be a secret since the math would indicate that I graduated from said high school while still in utero).
'Ho made a public Call-Out to her classmate Ben who is way too famous and smart to have his real name used in a shameless forum like this. Call-Out was: Ben, if you come to the reunion I, 'Ho, will shave my head. Ben was so geared up he counter-called-out: he would shave his legs if I shaved my head. So here's the proof: even though his bride ratted him out saying he used Nair and a garden hose in the backyard to avoid nicking those tricky knees.
Our partners in crime are Carol and Sam and Cathy. We can't use their last names or they would have to change religions, spouses, and professions (hard to do when you're a famous writer in Texas!!!)
BTW, 'Ho knows the Call-Out was a little Clinton-esque ("truthy" not "truthful") since she had already shaved her head well in advance of the Call-Out. BUT, all that truthiness was overlooked in the festive atmosphere of a hairless reunion!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Amazing Race. Read the story before you watch the vid!!
Feeling the call of sibling bonding and adventure, Crack 'Ho and Malibu set out in Spring '08 to apply for The Amazing Race. For those not in the know (which included Crack 'Ho as of this taping), TAR is a reality show on CBS that pits teams of couples who know each other against 10 or 11 other couples in a race around the world. The race is fraught with dilemmas, obstacles and other things that can either strengthen or ruin a relationship. Who better to try out than us? Hm. The first step in the application process involves filling out an application (duh). But this is no ordinary application. It asks questions that even your spouse would hesitate to ask! Nonetheless, 'Ho and I completed the application and moved on to step two: create a 3 minute video explaining why we should be on TAR. 'Ho came over to the Barnes' House on a stormy night where we spent 3 hours taping to come up with a 3 minute video. The taping was interrupted by a tornado, from which we hid in the parking lot of Ikea nearby. Too bad that wasn't on the video! Anyway, our 15 minute outtake video is freaking hilarious, but rife with expletives that would make Mom of 'Ho shudder, and may eliminate any future job prospects for those on tape. So, without further ado, here's the 3-minute toned down version we sent TAR. Needless to say, since the show is on TONIGHT and 'Ho and I are in Atlanta, we didn't make it. They got, instead, a couple of blond "Southern" belles instead. Ratings have plummeted.
Of course, Ms. 'Ho got herself in to an Amazing Race of a different sort. And this one, she's gonna walk away from as a total winner...
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Hell, We're ALL Mad! (But 'Ho Loves ya!)
CrackHo here to give y'all a little shout out and some encouragement in these Dark Days, and I don't mean cancer-dark. I keep telling folks I'm in recession...aren't we all!
My attorney laughed out loud today for the first time in 2 years (yeah, 'Ho believes in long-term relationships, even with her lawyers) when I described my Post-Divorce Asset Transfer technique, here seen for the first time on video.
Thanks for sticking it out (uh well you know what I mean) and coming back for more!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
It's a "wait and see" game.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
And behind Chemo # 4 is...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Cheerleader Feet
"yeah you know she's got, like, cheerleader feet."
whaddya mean, she sez.
"like, they're so, like, pretty and all neat and stuff."
So THAT's the secret!!!! Sinnergirls, that's one thing we can ALL get down with: Cheerleader Feet. No cartwheels required. So, check out Diddy above enjoying the magic of Cheerleader Feet. Then, enjoy the Cheerleader Feet of Ryleigh's Aunt TooTall, Auntie CrackHo, BabyMamma and Ryleigh Coyote herself:
Monday, September 15, 2008
Coos and Poos
Thanks to all those Barbies who have given us a yee haw and prayers. Baby Ryleigh is perfect and beautiful. Mom and Dad are both doing great too. BCB back at work, but manages to get home to get some lovin', kisses, coos and change poo whenever possible. The kingdom of BCB is forever changed and better!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Kicking Butt for Someone Else: Fight Multiple Sclerosis for Valerie!!
Ancient history has it that one of CrackHo's first signals that somethin' jest wasn't right with herself came as she started training to ride 150 miles this year in the Multiple Sclerosis bike challenge at Callaway. When the 'Ho couldn't pedal up a hill, she dragged herself into the doc and found exactly her problem. Well, over the period of couple of months or so...anyway...
So even though chemo has temporarily taken the 'Ho off the bike road, she and Mom and Orv threw Valerie into her own van and with tons of logistical genius from Bill, trekked down to Callaway to cheer on the MS bike rider/fundraisers this weekend. Yay, Team Cox ('Ho's bike team)!
We shot this longish video as people were gathering for day 1 of the ride Saturday. We wanted to share how moving it can be to be among thousands of people in tight lycra shorts before dawn, knowing they are about to sweat to help you feel better: Valerie girl, it's for you!
And on Oct. 5 Valerie's bro-in-law is gonna continue the ride to stamp out MS by BIKING THROUGH MIDTOWN MANHATTAN (!!! OMG) with a few thousand of his closest biker friends. If you want to help out, you can donate to Bruce's ride for Valerie at
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Inducing Labor the Auntie CrackHo Way
Oh, and in case the induction part was a flop, Black Canary treated the whole crowd, including Babydaddy, to a swell lunch!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
If you could have a real, true hair do-over, what would it look like?
Well, that's where little miss Crack 'Ho finds herself. Granted, we really think she looks "Crack 'Hot" with no hair at all. But let's all play a little game of "If I could choose one of my previous hairstyles to have again, which one would it be?". No wait, let's play a better game. Let's play "If I could make Joni wear an old hairstyle again, which one would it be?" See photos above, and cast your vote in the survey in the right hand column.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Friday, September 5, 2008
Quick note: [updated]
Another glam photo!
Thursday, September 4, 2008
New Sinnergirl Arrived!
Shout-outs to Tiffany the Babymamma and our own nephew Harris the Babydaddy. Harris, we hear that after you did a crazy hall-dance @ the hospital with the incubator thingy tonight, things are back to normal now! (hahahaha)
Look for BabySinnergirl photos tomorry.
Bark, Bitch! Plus, Grappa Gets Censored, and Finally....Booties for Ryleigh
CrackHo in turn delivered baby booties imported from St. Simons Island for Ryleigh's going home event. (Assuming she does her coming out eventually). And no, they did not cost $100 (or even $300). There was more chatter about $100/$300 bootie(s) which HAD to be censored...
CrackHo's first time out of the CrackShack in 2 days, and Grappa's first time on Sinnergirls. Sorry we had to cut out most of Grappa's wit! But Grappa is quite a guy and has fended off the Sinnergirls for years as we try to rip the words out of his mouth (or censor him or whatever). But hey, this is a family blog. Sort of.
Freebster Boings, Malibu Barbie, and Mother & Diddy O'Sinnergirls are waiting breathlessly tonight by their landlines, Blackberries, I-phones, and dial-up modems to hear of Ryleigh's progress.
Monday, September 1, 2008
Don't Lick Me!!!
It starts with a soaking wet blonde fellow ducking under your garage door in the middle of Hurricane Fay's downpour. OK OK you can sleep here Just Tonight. Then there are those brown eyes. He is so grateful, so loving, so needy. Then that good morning lonnnnggg stretch and Big Grin that say "I am soooo glad to see you!"....
Then...before you know it...a flash of wet lips and a searching pink tongue....ARGHHH! DONT LICK ME!!! Gross!! Dog germs!!! (Who the hell did you THINK was sleeping in my garage???)
The end of the world is near: CrackHo has been dog sitting this week. Well, actually Dog Garaging. And a little walking. Then a little more walking. Then a car ride or two. Then a play date. Then a sidewalk cafe in Roswell. Then Target. Then Starbucks. Then another Starbucks.
Please don't tell Sam! He'd never lick my head again.
Friday, August 29, 2008
In Praise of the Small Things
I actually got in the 'Ho Mobile and drove on the 'spressway not once but twice today! And, not necessarily in this order: pumped my own gas, walked my Rent-a-Golden, saw Doc Hen (had to tackle him in the hall like some kinda groupie since my appointment was with his assistant), had my head petted in Doc Hen's waiting room (for some reason people just do that in public; must look like a pregnant belly), unloaded the dishwasher, remembered to make a phone call I said I would, remembered to mail the bills (and not just write the checks and leave them in the checkbook), woke up before the alarm this AM but not too much before, ate a Chik-Fil-A (thankee Truitt!), realized that Goldens hide things like their own leashes so I haven't necessarily lost what was left of my mind, found out I have lots of red cells, plenty o'plasma, and enough white cells so I ain't under house arrest this fine Labor Day weekend! Whew! And if that weren't enough, how 'bout this:
One of the most delectable things in God's creation is Coke on ice. I don't mean open a can in your own home and pour it over those silly little half-crescent "cubes" (when will some idiot decide it's a terrorist plot to have symbols of "radical Islam"-or South Carolina-spewing from our freezers??). I mean, honest to goodness Fountain Coke over Commercial-Grade Ice (and lots and lots of it) sucked down on a hot summer day through a straw. Just enough carbonation to make you shout Halleluia without burping. Just enough caffeine to make you think you CAN make it around the Top End of 285 One Mo' Time. Just enough sweet to make you remember MilkDuds and a certain boy at the movies. I had a Jones for just such a Coke my second trip up through Town and whipped the 'Ho Mobile off the road and through a drive-through ordering up a Large Diet Coke (with Caffeine, otherwise why bother). My dear peeps, it was a near-religious experience, possibly enhanced by sipping that Coke in the shadow of the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Acceleration there along I-75 North. Ain't nuthin' better after 4 days of swapping between Sofa A and Sofa B than having a little unplanned outing involving the House Wine of Atlanta.
So CrackHo gives a big Shout-out and Thankee to all Y'all in the Sinnergirls world for the Extree Love & Support this week. Have a Coke & a Smile and whatever else you can get your sweaty little mitts on this weekend. Much love and thankees! (And you see, I'm still sitting up (yeah, still on Sofa A) so things are improving).
Thursday, August 28, 2008
You Rock..
C's the end of the day here in freaky Barbie design world and I had to share this quote with you and all the other C Ho lovers. Your courage gives me courage. You rock my world!
Ya'll be good and give someone you love a little extreee hug tonight!
Top Ten Things You Can Do for a Cancer Patient
2. Remind me if I’ve already told you a story or joke that I’m launching into. Don’t worry: I don’t have Alzheimer’s on top of everything else. It’s just ChemoBrain and they promise, sort of, that it will go away and I won’t be tedious forever.
3. Insist that I buy myself jewelry.
4. Let me know if I have broccoli between my teeth. Yes, cancer patients still have open to us all the normal ways to be embarrassed in public.
5. Set me up with your bald single friends. At least we’ll have something to talk about, and if we hit it off we can indulge in the pleasures of mutual phrenology.
6. Forgive me and tell me to take a Xanax. There may be times when I’m as whine-y as a toddler past her naptime, as needy as an arts nonprofit, and as charming as Ann Coulter, all at the same time. I still love you and need your attention and sometimes, a reminder that Meds Are Good.
7. Please ask me before you send the details of my projectile vomiting to your prayer chain.
8. Remind me that I have a therapist and that there is sometimes TMI even between friends who love each other. As necessary, gently nudge me to the person who is paid to listen to my overwhelming bullshit.
9. Let me talk about death and pain and suffering. Oh, wait, the divorce is final. Never mind.
10. Find ways to give me credible compliments, even if it’s as creative as “OMG you so met your deductible for the whole year!!!”, or, “Do you know how hot you look with your bare ass hanging out of that skanky hospital gown?”
And just because I don't have any fun new videos yet (I know, what a slacker), I'm gonna post the whole Chemo Candy-eating video. To me it looks like an alien eating some strange eggs...but you decide! (Malibu, where are u? We need some fresh wit & humor!!)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Where do we grow from?
Plans are in the making for eyelash lessons from the drag queen on Saturday...a fun event that we must flip to share with all of you. Now, if you are planning a wedding...the wedding eyelash program should come from another source probably...FYI, these are "chemo eye lash lessons" We somehow figure out a way to grow from all of this... Love all out to those of you on blog, Black Canary Barbie aka granniebarbie
MAD 'Ho! (as in Angry...) Warning: Foul Language
Monday, August 25, 2008
What up?
All the sinnergirls are doing fine; baby sinnergirl (AKA Malibu Barbie) just returned from a quick trip with Freebster Boings to Tropical Storm Fay-Ravaged Savannah. OK, maybe ravaged is too dramatic; it rained and rained a lot. Middle sinnergirl (AKA Black Canary Barbie) has been working her Barbie-behind off, while also spending time getting ready for the arrival of Ryleigh (AKA Keep-U-Up-All-Night Barbie or BGB [baby girl barbie]). Mom of C'Ho has been totin' the 'ho to chemo, and playing the demanding role of Mom of 3 Sinnergirls. Most importantly, Star Sinnergirl (AKA Crack-Ho) has kept a heady schedule consisting of chemo, doc appointments, lunches, brunches and more. Right about now, she SHOULD be napping. She is one tired 'ho.
Remember that even though we're all chirpy sinnergirls, it's a long, tough road and Crack'Ho (and her backup band) need your continued prayers and blog visits.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
What DID I do with those blender blades, anyway?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Black Canary brings Conehead Mass Quantities of Chemo Candy!
A wonderful event chez Infusion today was the arrival of Black Canary Barbie with a giant gift bag with mass quantities of candy for the infusion picnic. Even more wonderful: some of it was wearable! That BCB thinks of everything, including edible accessories!
Here BCB captured the adventure of CrackHo Conehead discovering her inner Pocohontas look with a sweet-tart necklace. She then gave in to temptation. Funny nobody in the Suite wanted to try any candy after that...
Obligatory factual updates:
1. Doc Hen (OMG!!***sighs***) sez that oh yeah baby let's do some radiation treatment after all. Has everything to do with avoiding brain cancer. An avoidance which is top on the 'Ho's list. So CrackHo will spend part of the Yuletide under a very expensive tanning lamp (like to tan your innerds). Will def cut down on the snackage she consumes during the holidays. At least I'll be able to fit into my 'ho 'ho 'ho attire. Doc Hen sez no stomach tube so we won't have to worry about mashing up Freebster Boings most excellent chocolate and red pepper cookies into liquid...
2. CrackHo has discovered that Beldar Conehead is the dad, so therefore she cannot be Beldar. Connie Conehead just isn't bling enough for this here site, and Pyraamar the mom's name has been optioned by Mother o'CrackHo.
3. You can call it infusion but it feels like chemo. You can put lipstick on a pig and call it Monique but it is still a pig. You can call her CrackHo and she's still...CrackHo! (Hey Monique can I borry yo' lipstick??)
"Just tell them you come from France"
Monday, August 18, 2008
The latest from the sinnergirls
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Tips & Tales from the Wiggin' Three
Insurance Claims: How to File for Wig Coverage (So to Speak)
Video 1: For PPO's (rated PG-13 for violence and out-of-pocket thresholds)
Video 2: For HMO's (rated R for language and violence and hidden deductibles)
Git Wiggy Wit' It
And don'cha just love all the euphemisms! My hair is not falling out by the roots in large disgusting is Releasing (undergoing Release) (sounds like a treatment you'd pay a fortune for at a day spa).
So is cancer not cancer but "Overachieving Cells"? You don't have various gastric dramas after chemo; you "Decline Food-Based Input." You don't go beserk on steroids; you "Get in Touch with Your Inner Felon." You don't lose your ability to string two thoughts together; you "Engage in Unstructured Communication." I could go on. And I might. If I could remember where I was going with all this...
BTW a Big Shout Out and Air Hug to Nurse Extraordinaire Ashley for stopping in for a quick DX yesterday and chat with the Sinnergirls in the wig-wam. We know you're out there!! Someday you too can have your very own username!!
Friday, August 15, 2008
ChChChCh CHIA Pet!
Little did CH know that she herself would become the Mother of All Chia Pets:
Wigging Out
Anyhoo! Check back tonight (that be Friday) for videos and ruminations on what promises to be a most intellesting day.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
CrackHo knows how to please her man!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Lazy Saturday Morning at BCB's dreamhouse...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
'Ho on the Road
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Hey there Kens and Barbies...
Our new granddaughter will probably make an early entrance around September 1st. Can't wait! Should know more after Tiffany goes to the doctor again tomorrow. Black Canary Barbie nonna thinks Labor Day Holiday is a great time to schedule labor. The oldest son of BCB, oldest nephew of Aunt Crack Ho checks blogg and must share his thoughts on this upcoming grand event in the comments're up Harris!
We're still here.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
She's freaky and I like it.
Man I swear she's bad and she knows
I think that she knows
She's freaky and she knows it
She's freaky, but I like it
She shuts the room down
The way she walks and causes a fuss
The baddest in town
She's flawless like some uncut ice
I hope she's goin' home with me tonight
And all she wants is to dance
That's why you'll find her on the floor
But you don't have a chance
Unless you move the way that she likes
That's why she's goin' home with me tonight
Enthused Infusion
Friday, August 1, 2008
From the Piedmont Hospital Interventional Radiology Video Training Library: How to Use Your New Port
You'll get to see all 3 takes we had to do to get the filming all synchronized and in a form usable for new patient instruction. After all, when one is sucking chard straight into the arteries, one rockets to a whole new level of "Cheap Date."
We try to ask only the most important questions...
- Can Crack Ho clean out the kitty litter box while infusing? (answer: yes, w/gloves)
- Can Crack Ho continue to cycle? (answer: yeah, baby cuz you look hot in those bike shorts)
- Is caffeine ok during treatment? (answer: in small quantities) What about wine? (answer: in small quantities and only if you can suck it up through your port...which we've since learned C-Ho is very talented at doing.)
- Can I continue to paddle on the river? (answer: yes. But by this time, Doc Hen was looking a little dazed)
Without even blinking, Hen said "Yes! And I like them blue shooz!"
He's a keeper!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Infusion Numero Uno
Done! Crack-Ho has completed Phase One of Infusion Numero Uno. Phase Two is tomorrow. Today was uneventful, as far as possible negative reactions go. A couple of hives broke out, but nothing Nurse Ashley couldn't take care of with an extree drip of Benadryl in that Infusion Cocktail. Thanks Ashley! Mother of Crack-Ho was present for the inaugural infusion, as well. Photo of C-Ho waiting to begin the drip to the right. See how relaxed she is? P.S. - great news all around today...we learned from Doc Hen that the cancer is confined to C-Ho's neck area which makes this nasty stuff super-duper-curable. Yeah, baby.
Visitation from St. Ann of Taylor
CrackHo here to share the vid of the first infusion today with Nurse Beth and the 2 Barbies Malibu and Black Canary. The Barbies were fondly recalling the visitation of a power-suited Barbie to the 'Ho while she ('Ho) was under the influence of narcotics Wednesday (again!).
CrackHo swore she had had a vision of a beautiful angel decked out in an Ann Taylor power suit. Or was it some avenging angel from the Ghost of Narcotics Past??? You decide!
We leave CrackHo before the effects of the Prednisone kick in on film. Stay tuned for glowing-green, muscle-bound CrackHo photos in future Preddie episodes...
Y'all comment, heah?
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
CrackHo and Black Canary here. CrackHo sez I heard I was once again entertaining U.I.V. (under the influence of Versed) even tho I left my inflatable tongue at home today. Malibu Barbie swooshed into the radiation support unit, pulled out her camera, took a picture, and I (reportedly) responded with a physical reminder of one of my middle names (Bird). Peeps, CrackHo had on NO makeup and NO accessories and Malibu was taking potentially shocking photos of the 'Ho in such a bare state! I'm sure she'll be posting later....
Tonight Black Canary and CrackHo enjoyed Italian cocktails at the Builtmore. BCB will share more below, but I must first bemoan the fact that my first-born and much-adored nephew today called me CrackHo!!! Child, I don't care how old you are, I am still AUNT CrackHo to you!!
BCB here with an evening post after port installation. For those of you who have never seen a port, well, it's not much to see....but CH got what they called a Purple Power Port with accessories (id bracelet to let folks know she has such a magnificant port mechanism). I tried not to be envious of a new bracelet; it's rubber so it was fairly easy to let go of the envy! Crackie slept for three hours post port import then was "set free" to sleep several more hours on sofa at crack's shack. Black Canary Barbie lounged, put mirror under nostrils of C Ho to check breathing status and did what we will be doing a bunch of...waiting. Other than the side effects of good narcotics, 'Ho is bruised all around port installation, is a bit sore, but amazingly together and ready for her next big step in healing and recovery: a good glass of chardonay (just kidding)..the first and count down to last of all chemo (R-chop for those of you who didn't know what her chemo cocktail of choice will be for the big, bad B Lymphoma). First infusion session begins at 8 am Thursday morning and finishing up Friday morning at 9am. I'll try to post from the infusion suite. Thanks for all your prayers, calls, emails and love: keep em coming! BCB
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Sinnergirls add three to tribe....
As previously posted the "girls" all got together to celebrate the upcoming birth of Black Canary Barbie's new grandbaby girl at what the local tribes call a Baby Shower! Here is a photo of the newest editions to the "sinnergirl tribe"...on left is Lauren, Will's fiance (BCB's son) who will marry July 2009; on the right is Tiffany, Harris's wife (BCB's oldest son) and the baby in belly (to arrive around 1st of September). We couldn't be happier than to know our girl tribe continues to grow. We'll keep you posted on delivery, birth and wedding plans on our blog. Black Canary Barbie says, "What a year!"
Monday, July 28, 2008
He Ain't Nuthin More Than BlogFodder: RIP Mr. Dazzle
CrackHo received the news from Mr. Dazzle on Saturday night that he wished to choose the “Release” option under CrackHo’s Catch & Release program (CrackHo runs this program to audition her eligibles). The Catch & Release program’s bylaws state clearly that CrackHo is the one who determines when the “Release” option is triggered, so she was understandably consternated that Mr. Dazzle made such a request.
CrackHo’s theory for this bizarre behavior is that Mr. Dazzle was frightened by the opera they attended this weekend (La Bohѐme). Perhaps Mr. Dazzle became concerned that he, like Rodolfo of said opera, might fall for a blue-eyed lovely who turns out to be ill and then, like Rodolfo, himself turn into a self-absorbed jerk and dump the lovely blue-eyes. Oh wait! Silly CrackHo! That is exactly the way life mimicked art. But we will stop the analogy there as the rest of the plot is Not Applicable.
Needless to say, Mr. Dazzle has been released into the wild where he will have to fend for himself. It’s really more humane that way.
RIP Mr. Dazzle. "Too fast on the river, too slow in love."
No longer Dazzling, he is merely
"Già un’altra volta credetti morto il mio cor, ma di quegli occhi azzurri allo splendor esso ѐ risorto. Ora il tedio l’assale."
-Rodolfo, Act 3 La Bohѐme
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Baby Shower: Part 4 of 4 / Thanks Aunt Crack-Ho!
Baby Shower: Part 3 of 4 / It's dried up.
Baby Shower: Part 2 of 4 / You can taste it. You can smell it. Or you can just look at it.
Baby Shower: Part 1 of 4 / Where's Joni?
Friday, July 25, 2008
Before Surgery: Doctor, Doctor It Seems to Have Grown!
This is ancient history in the whirlwind world of Sinnergirls. But in the interest of Public Service, CrackHo wants to make sure that y'all get a glimpse of what her ailment REALLY looks like. It's a wonder CrackHo didn't scare Doc Juicy off that morning. Oh well, he calmed me right down with a little Versed and things proceeded along jes' fine. (When the vid opens, we're chatting about an unusual type of chapstick available at a certain Variety Store at Peachtree Battle).
Warning: Very Bad Language! How to Manage your Medical Team Part 1
CrackHo here. My ENT guy "Juicy", who does get a lot of credit for scaring the shit out of me day 1 and hustling me into the OR ASAP, stepped waaaaay out of line with some paternalistic dismissive crap in response to my very direct question: "What are my chances?" So, after 1 cup of coffee and 24 grams of protein, I rise up and honk back. BTW, I do not look like this all the time, just in the morning and then only on days when I have cancer.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
The Cure for the Cure
Infusioning promises a lot of things, trade-offs required to get the prize: the cure. Looking down the short road of 18 weeks, possibly weak and hairless as a baby rat, a hottie on the inside disguised as a cancer patient, CrackHo decided that she may need a Cure for the Cure.
So, meet the Orange Crush: CrackHo's new Love Boat, and the thing to cure me from infusion fallout on the way to the big Cure. Big and fat, hard to flip and easy to move, the Crush has a cockpit so open that it barely qualifies as a closed yak. Easy for an infused CrackHo to just flop into and float and forget what nasty side effects infusion may bring.
My dear therapist and spiritual companion Dr. Robin reminds me that water is about clearing the throat chakra. And, it just feels so good to be out where the light and the water and the air meet in gentle collision. Good place for a Bird.
Introducing on this video my friend Jerry, my most esteemed Niger Rodentia and river floating companion. Jerry is my idol for his grace and brightness in his own journey, and for how he can make an afternoon on a river a cure for ailments you never knew you had. He is also a kick-butt cook.
Putt out for dough. Or how Sinnergirls got their name.
They don't serve Sweet Tea in Itlee...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Coming Unhooked at the Hospital
Well now time has moved on since we shot this little gem, but CrackHo being the vain packrat that she is, feels compelled to offer y'all this snippet of what happens after you give an ER overnighter her first cup of coffee...but you wait to do it till after you've injected her with radioactive isotope for brunch, for heavens sake.
Are you cold? (Warning: Highly Offensive & Funny)
Who knew that one could accessorize so well in such spartan accommodations? View this video quick before we start charging $9.95 for a download on the "ER Porn" channel.
Rated RRRRR!! Do not watch this video if you are at all offendable!
OK flashback in time to July 6, Piedmont Hospital ER. CrackHo just has to post this great series about the joke the visiting Episcopalians shared, which, when re-told by CrackHo scored a "138 over nuthin'". Better still is the anthropological adventure Dale & Jamie described in their review of the Sea Palms Inn at St. Simons Island. Kudos to our Cinematographer Rebo.
The Etch A Sketch Moments of Cancer
Say Yes to No Radiation!
Missing in action.....
Decompressing after first doctor visit.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Infusion Treatments?! Are you serious?
Monday, July 21, 2008
Let's get it started uh huh...FLIP-ing out 7/6
OK , Crack Ho here. I surprised my family with a new way to bring us closer by inviting everyone to the ER the Sunday of July 4th weekend. There's no throwing up or blood on this post, but there is a little obscene language. It's approved viewing for parents, but only with adult child supervision.
A Brick House never crumbles...
As sisters we will continue our dance throughout this whole healing beautifully demonstrated here at Black Canary Barbie's (on right; crack ho on left in the tan tabulous outfit) 50th birthday. The music may change a little and sometimes we may just have to dance around the crack ho when "she be too tired" to do her own dance...but nothing will ever put a stop to the magical dance of the sistahs!!! (Imagine the song Brick House and you'll get the idea)