Thursday, July 31, 2008

Visitation from St. Ann of Taylor

CrackHo here to share the vid of the first infusion today with Nurse Beth and the 2 Barbies Malibu and Black Canary. The Barbies were fondly recalling the visitation of a power-suited Barbie to the 'Ho while she ('Ho) was under the influence of narcotics Wednesday (again!).

CrackHo swore she had had a vision of a beautiful angel decked out in an Ann Taylor power suit. Or was it some avenging angel from the Ghost of Narcotics Past??? You decide!

We leave CrackHo before the effects of the Prednisone kick in on film. Stay tuned for glowing-green, muscle-bound CrackHo photos in future Preddie episodes...

Y'all comment, heah?


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Hi Ho- Wonderful news about your test results! I must say you look positively glowing in this video- prednisone certainly does become you! In fact, as photogenic as you are, it is no surprise to me that St. Ann of Taylor might pay you a visit. Please give her my best and tell her to come see Skanky Mama 'cuz her wardrobe could use some spiffing up.

CrackHo said...

Hi Skanks! thanks for the encouraging words! It is SOOO difficult to know match the appropriate attire/accessories to the particular Drug Regimen. Today I write you from the Infusion Suite where I've chosen to pair Blue Flats with Blue Blanket and the -CHOP part of my cocktail. I hope St. Ann smiles on us both..hugs from CrackHo

Black Canary Barbie said...

Watch when and how you sleep...there is no telling who will come to visit or why! Saint Ann rules!