Saturday, August 16, 2008

Git Wiggy Wit' It

If CrackHo ever decided to have multiple personalities ---- and on some days it seems like a good idea ---- she would go see Miss Jennifer the Wig Queen. Watch the transformation from Elivra Mistress of the Dark to Cancer Patient to "Linda" (again)...

And don'cha just love all the euphemisms! My hair is not falling out by the roots in large disgusting is Releasing (undergoing Release) (sounds like a treatment you'd pay a fortune for at a day spa).

So is cancer not cancer but "Overachieving Cells"? You don't have various gastric dramas after chemo; you "Decline Food-Based Input." You don't go beserk on steroids; you "Get in Touch with Your Inner Felon." You don't lose your ability to string two thoughts together; you "Engage in Unstructured Communication." I could go on. And I might. If I could remember where I was going with all this...

BTW a Big Shout Out and Air Hug to Nurse Extraordinaire Ashley for stopping in for a quick DX yesterday and chat with the Sinnergirls in the wig-wam. We know you're out there!! Someday you too can have your very own username!!


DFFF said...

Dear Chi Cha Crack Ho,
You are improving!! You can use both hands on your head - and you have found solice in your interpersonal conflict through effective interpersonal negotiation skills. Can I come to your next management meeting? I need to get your advice on minimizing conflicts in my life. I am sure that your would encourage "thinking outside the box".

CrackHo said...

Hey DFFF! So glad you and Black Canary were working on human resources issues. The "hands on the head" exercise is actually CrackHo learning to surrender when accosted by a muscular tall male wearing tight Armani jeans, cowboy boots, a D&G t-shirt and a mask...practicing how to surrender quickly when necessary. A girl never knows when opportunity, er, felons, will show up...