Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Hey there Kens and Barbies...

Malibu so greatly shared our news that we are all still busy handling the day to day. Wanted you all to know that Joni is also having chemo on Monday via spinal fluid. Don't know all the details except the wonderful Doc Hen feels that to cover all the places the big, bad lymphoma may want to travel to he wants to do this "extree" chemo to zap any untraceable gunk that may be floating around. We all love his thoroughness!! I'll be in attendance to video/photo shoot any of those great C Ho moments she's becoming so well known for.
Our new granddaughter will probably make an early entrance around September 1st. Can't wait! Should know more after Tiffany goes to the doctor again tomorrow. Black Canary Barbie nonna thinks Labor Day Holiday is a great time to schedule labor. The oldest son of BCB, oldest nephew of Aunt Crack Ho checks blogg and must share his thoughts on this upcoming grand event in the comments're up Harris!


Auto'Blog'raphy of a Waitress & Mom said...

Glad to see you "HOUSE" wives have joined the blogging world!! I am touched by your togetherness and love. That is exactly what makes a family special. My good wishes go out to Joni along with my prayers. Keep us posted on her progress...I have a feeling that all will be OK!! My love goes out to you three girls..and give your mom a hug from me.This blogging gig is a great way to go !! I love my blog ..."My Baby" as I call it. I will be sure to check back in on you all. Kelly Cotton

Stella said...

Joni will be thinking about you on Monday! Jamie, I can't believe you are going to be a "Nona"! Good thoughts everyone's way! Stel

susangray aka sugarpeanut said...

Joni prayers are with you on your next chemo treat Jamie can't wait to see pictures of your numberal uno grand baby Harris and Tiff good luck and best wishes Julie your Freebster really rocks with them hips (keep em movin)
Love to all

Harris Georgia said...

At Auntie Crack-Ho's request, here's the update. Tiff has another appointment Monday (8/11/08). The doctor could possibly schedule the delivery for either that weekend or the following week. We will keep you all updated.

Autie Crack-Ho, you are in our prayers as always. Hope Chi town was good to you...

All, keep Tiff and little one in your prayers. Big changes are a comin'!

CrackHo said...
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CrackHo said...

Harris, child of my heart, I ALWAYS keep your Bride in my prayers!! But as part of my Ministry of Healing for both your Bride and my HoSelf, I am planning to steal her away for a French Fry 'Ho-down as soon as young Ryleigh can be trusted into your care. Well, actually as soon as my steroids kick back in, whichever comes first. "Be afraid. Be very afraid."
Auntie CrackHo

PS and a big shout-out to Stel and Kelly and l'il Miss Sugar Peanut!