Friday, August 1, 2008

We try to ask only the most important questions...

Of the many questions we posited to Doc Hen a week or so ago were such pressing queries as:
  • Can Crack Ho clean out the kitty litter box while infusing? (answer: yes, w/gloves)
  • Can Crack Ho continue to cycle? (answer: yeah, baby cuz you look hot in those bike shorts)
  • Is caffeine ok during treatment? (answer: in small quantities) What about wine? (answer: in small quantities and only if you can suck it up through your port...which we've since learned C-Ho is very talented at doing.)
  • Can I continue to paddle on the river? (answer: yes. But by this time, Doc Hen was looking a little dazed)
Turns out we left out a critical question, but Crack Ho axed Hen today: Can I get my nails done?

Without even blinking, Hen said "Yes! And I like them blue shooz!"
He's a keeper!


Stella said...

I'll buy the wine if I can see you "suck it up through your port"! I bet that's sumpin to see! Seriously, I will! You girlz crack me up!!!!


CrackHo said...

OK Stel, your wish is the Crackster's command. I just "happen to have" a video of said wine sucking which I will post tonight! Filmed by our own Black Canary Barbie the night after my surgery. stay tuned, love!

Black Canary Barbie said...

You grils "crack" me up! Stella..where is your Older sister Susan? She must join the sinnergirls blog too. We all get such a kick out of the comments. Stay tuned for the port sipping video; as you'll see we "crack" ourselves up way too easily. BCB

Anonymous said...

But is CrackHo getting enoough dark chocolate?